Social Media News: 2014 Pew Internet Report

Yesterday, Pew Research Center released their 2014 Social Media report. There is so much information packed in there, but I thought I would highlight what stood out most to me.

2014 Social Media Matrix

    1. "Today, more than half of internet users (52%) use two or more of the social media sites measured (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn) compared with 42% who did so in 2013."

    2. They did not even measure Google+ in their reporting. Google+ is a must for businesses, especially when it comes to customers finding a store location (if applicable).

    3. The 2014 Social Media matrix (pictured to the right) is very interesting. If you use Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or LinkedIn, you likely use Facebook as well. Pew calls Facebook, "home base."

    4. "...a significant level of overlap exists between Instagram and Twitter users—58% of Twitter users also use Instagram, and 52% of Instagram users also use Twitter. Among non-Facebook sites, this is the highest rate of “reciprocity” between user groups measured."

    5. "Facebook continues to be the most popular social media site, but its membership saw little change from 2013. The one notable exception is older adults: For the first time in Pew Research findings, more than half (56%) of internet users ages 65 and older use Facebook. Overall, 71% of internet users are on Facebook, a proportion that represents no change from August 2013." - Facebook is king. People always complain about changes and upgrades to Facebook, but that change is what has kept it so popular for so long.

    6. 13% of adult men who are online use Pinterest compared to 42% of women. Men are up from 8% in 2013's report and women are up from 33%.

    7. More than half of millennials have Instagram. They did not poll minors, but many high school students have Instagram in my experience as a College Recruiter and Counselor at church camps. Of those with smartphones, the percentage has to be very high. Snapchat is on up there as well.

    8. The percentage of people that used each Social Network daily/weekly/less often (below).Frequency of social media site use

    9. I am in the 8% that use four social media sites...

    10. 21% of people use none of the 5 social media sites...More people use multiple social media sites

    11. I wonder how many people actually take the time to optimize images for their personal social media profiles? Just us nerds... Below is a cool infographic for images on 2015 Social Media profiles from Social Media Image Size Guide

